Customer Testimonials

5 July 2007

Dear Lou

As per our exchange of emails all went particularly well at the official opening of Stage 4 of the Karrakatta Mausoleum.

Due credit was paid to the outstanding contribution made by you and Milne Construction Company, not only in this current stage of development but from when we first embarked upon providing mausoleum facilities for the community in Western Australia.

One of our officers videoed the proceedings at the official opening and I am pleased to enclose a copy of the DVD for your viewing and retention. Sadly he did not capture the two priests singing Salve Regina at the conclusion of the blessing of the crypts. This really added a wonderful human touch to the proceedings.

Lou, on behalf of the board and personally I thank you sincerely for the guidance that you have given freely over so many years and we do value the strong and productive working relationship we have established with you and with your staff at Milne Construction.

Kind regards,

Yours sincerely
Chief Executive Officer, Metropolitan Cemeteries Board

21 June 2006

Dear Lou,

It was good to meet with you again in Perth last week and we are particularly pleased that you are able to attend the 2006 Architects Awards presentation function.

We are delighted that you were able to share in the success of the Fremantle Mausoleum project and no doubt the quality of the built structure contributed to the award recognition.

Lou would you please convey sincere gratitude to all members of the Milne Construction Company team who contributed to the Fremantle Mausoleum project. Please convey special thanks to Jeremy Stremme and Gerald Chretian for their key roles in construction management at Fremantle.

As promised in our exchange of emails I enclose herewith a copy of an article from the West Australian on Saturday June 17th 2006. I will also forward copies of any other publicity or items of interest pertaining to the Fremantle Mausoleum.

Finally, we thank you personally for the oversight of the Fremantle project.

Kind regards,

Yours sincerely
Chief Executive Officer, Metropolitan Cemeteries Board

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